Workshops & Training

Workshops and Training

Organisational Diagnostics offer a wide range of training courses and workshops. Our trainer experts can customise the course for your specific needs be it to focus on a specific industry or to meet other needs that you might have. Listed below are three of our most popular training courses and workshops.

Please contact us to find out when the next workshop or course is scheduled or for any additional information

Survey Workshop

Organisational Diagnostics offers a two-day workshop for anyone who is presently developing a survey, administering a survey or even thinking about doing a survey. The two-day workshop will familiarize attendees with aspects such as crucial issues about a survey, the phases of a typical survey, how to develop a measuring instrument, data collection methods, the survey feedback process, etc.

Click here for more information

Survey Tracker Training Workshop

Organisational Diagnostics offers personalised one-on-one or small group training (maximum six attendees) to guide attendees through the use of the SurveyTracker survey tool. Each attendee will be working at his/her own computer.

The workshop follows the basic research process using SurveyTracker as the tool to complete a survey. The training provides customised instructions on the use of SurveyTracker and can centre around the attendee's specific needs, or general training.

Click here for more information

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Tel: +27 83 266 6372 or +27 83 457 9550